vvork is a 3d game concept based on an alternate mid century reality of the early computer age. The world is based on fictional real technology and is set in the late 1950's or early 1970's with some 80's tech thrown in for good measure. Rendered in Blender.

Stop back and check on the progress and see what I am vvorking on.

This is based on an isometric pixel art game I am also working on. spacelab76.com

Space Age Design

Use your personal video conference devices

Hard Copy Printing

Sometimes you need to print something for later use.

Leaders in state of the art technology

Magnetic tape storage is the standard way of storing large amounts of data. Common seven-track density with 800 six-bit characters per inch (CPI) that is a staggering 140 megabytes per standard length (2400 ft) reel of tape!

Global robotic research and solutions

We envision a world where service robots work with and for us, shoulder-to-shoulder and over long distances, to address dull, dirty and dangerous work.

Pixel Art

This is based on an isometric pixel art game I am also working on.